Virtual Reality (VR) Trainer for Lathe Machine
Product Details
Digital Cartel has developed VR Trainer for Learning and Practicing Lathe skills. Our VR Trainers are desgined and developed to provide a realistic and interactive training experience, without the risk of injury or damage to the equipment.
DC VR Trainer for Lathe Machine currently available with:
1. DC VRT Lathe has 4 exercises (more exercises can be added)
2. Two language options i.e. Urdu and English (more languages can be added)
3. DC VRT has 2 types of web-portals
Admin portal access can be used for the following:
1. Add/remove/Edit Teacher
2. Add/remove/Edit Student
3. Teacher Student assignment
4. Check the activity on PortalTeacher Portal Access
Teacher portal access can be used for the following:
1. Student Exercise assignment
2. Check the activity on Portal
VR Trainer for Lathe YouTube Video
DC VR Trainer Lathe English Brochure
DC VR Trainer Lathe English/Urdu Language Brochure