About “University of Poonch Rawalakot, Department of Mathematics”
Email: qamar@upr.edu.pk
Description: The proposed project has both mathematical and biological significance and importance. Indeed, these models are related to interaction between prey (host) and predator (consumer). In other words, our model is a host-consumer interaction, in which fear effect of consumer is implemented on the dynamics of host. In case of natural host-consumer interaction, effect of fear plays key role on their dynamics. Therefore, dynamical study of such systems can be helpful to explore more information related to these biological species. Furthermore, real observed field data can be used to validate our mathematical or theoretical findings. Certainly, the mathematical analysis of such models will open new horizons for further investigation in this field.
Areas of Interest: Natural Sciences/Biosciences,
Country: Pakistan
Description: The proposed project has both mathematical and biological significance and importance. Indeed, these models are related to interaction between prey (host) and predator (consumer). In other words, our model is a host-consumer interaction, in which fear effect of consumer is implemented on the dynamics of host. In case of natural host-consumer interaction, effect of fear plays key role on their dynamics. Therefore, dynamical study of such systems can be helpful to explore more information related to these biological species. Furthermore, real observed field data can be used to validate our mathematical or theoretical findings. Certainly, the mathematical analysis of such models will open new horizons for further investigation in this field.
Areas of Interest: Natural Sciences/Biosciences,
Country: Pakistan
University of Poonch Rawalakot, Department of Mathematics
Some novel classes of predator-prey interaction with non-overlapping generations: stability, bifurcation, and chaos control
A recent study on prey-predator (host-consumer) interaction shows that the effects of consumer (predator) dread can cause a sudden change in the host-consumer dynamics. Fear of consumers alters anti-p...
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