Development of Electronic Controller for a parallel generation system
Product Details
Parallel generators are connected at generation or transmission level for load sharing where frequency and voltage is to be essentially synchronized before the power is supplied at the bus bar. If the load sharing is left to natural sharing the power will be shared equally. This sharing pattern will become undesirable where the generators are of different sizes. The mechanical controllers named as governor in in industrial language are integral part of generators and can control load sharing. For some mechanical fault in the governor the whole system has to be shut down how so ever small may be the fault. Down time is usually long as the mechanical parts need to be replaced by dismantling the governor from the body of the generators. The project consists of replacement of mechanical governor with electronic governor (controller) due inherent advantages like much smaller down time in case of replacement, user friendly, control data transmittable and so distance controlling feasible. The user/staff/engineers can stay away from the noise of engines and still can manage the control. The circuits consisting of modules, sensors, controlling mechanism are indigenously developed any replacement at any stage will not involve hard earned foreign exchange.